The House of Representatives has passed, and the Senate may soon take up, legislation that cuts hundreds of billions of dollars from the Medicaid program to pay for tax cuts for big businesses and wealthy individuals.
We need your help to stop them!
Some people might say, “I’m not on Medicaid. Why should I care?”
Here’s why: These cuts and caps would come at the expense of needed health care services for millions of people, including people with disabilities. Including people you know. Services from basic health care, to home and community-based services, to needed long-term services and supports would be lost. People with disabilities that have been living and thriving in your community would be forced to move away to live in large institutions because of the loss of these services. That not only costs us more money but it harms our communities.
Your elected Members of Congress need to hear from you about the importance of Medicaid. Rather than cutting and capping Medicaid, these important community services and supports need to be supported and expanded. Please take a moment to email your Senators and Representative to let them know about the importance of Medicaid to their constituents.
Just click here and follow the instructions to send an email. It only takes a minute for you to stand up for the rights of people with disabilities!
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