Voter Registration Activities
You must register to vote by October 6, 2012 to be able to vote in the November 6th Presidential Election!! DRMS will participate in National voter Registration Day on Sept 25th at Mendenhall Ministries Volunteer Center from 3pm to 7:30pm with advocates available to provide assistance! We will also have advocates on the coast working with MS Gulf Coast Community College. Call our office for more information or questions regarding your right to vote! if you would like to download our informational voting rights postcard please contact us and we will email it to you! GET OUT and VOTE on November 6, 2012!!!
Not sure if you are currently registered? It’s easy to check here:
REMEMBER: You must be registered to vote 30 days before the election!
Contact us if you need further assistance as you prepare to cast your vote in the upcoming elections in MS.
Stay Informed And Take Action
“To us, voting isn’t yet another program. It’s something we integrate into the activities we already do as part of our mission and commitment to healthier communities and a better society.“ – Jill Smith, Program Director, Community Center of St. Louis, MO
Some Important Info to Remember:
Service Providers Must Provide Help
A voter may wish to get help from a service provider. Nursing homes, hospitals, group homes, board-and-care homes and other facilities providing care and services to individuals with disabilities must also make reasonable modifications to their policies and practices to ensure that residents who need help with the voting process receive it.45 These modifications usually include helping residents to register, to get to the polling place or to apply for and complete an absentee ballot if the resident chooses to vote by absentee ballot.
Who Can Help Me, and How?
A family member, friend or caregiver can come with you to help, or you can ask a poll worker for assistance. You can tell your helper what information to fill in on a registration form, if you cannot complete the form because of a disability. In an election, you can say what choices you want among those listed on a ballot. Your helper can also explain instructions in your language, demonstrate the voting process, read ballot choices or use simplified language to explain the voting choices on the ballot. He or she can enter a voting booth with you if your disability makes it difficult to enter the booth alone and vote there without assistance.
If your helper marks a ballot for you, it must be for the choices you have expressed, not the helper’s. If you don’t want to cast a vote on an issue or a candidacy, the helper must leave that choice blank.
Informative Voting Links:
Remember: You have the right to cast a Provisional Ballot if a poll worker tells you that you cannot vote.
Call these important numbers if experiencing a problem at the polling site:
1-800-772-4057 – Disability Rights Mississippi
1-800-829-6786- MS Secretary of State Election Hotline
1-866-687-8683 – Our Vote- Election Protection Register to Vote:
State of Mississippi Legislature Page:
Accessibility: – The U.S. Dept of Justice Polling Place Checklist
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