Brief overview of the laws that protect the rights of students with disabilities; and a breakdown of the differences between K-12 and college when it pertains to the student’s rights and responsibilities.
The office of civil rights in the U.S. Dept of Education’s site – providing overview of rights and obligations according to the law and links to numerous specific topics such as auxiliary aids and FERPA.
AHEAD is professional association dedicated to higher education standards for students with disabilities. This link has info on 2 specific papers that are detailed and explanatory related to reasonable accommodations, and disability services for students with intellectual disabilities.
List of the 15 best disability friendly colleges and details on what makes them so.
The Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP) – a list of the why, when, what, and how of disclosure in an academic setting after high school.
From the U. S. Dept. of Education – a frank and concise letter to parents about the reality of issues they’ll deal with and need to be prepared for as their student considers higher education options.
List of approved academic adjustments that could be made – specific to federal rules.
Even though the article is specific to sickle cell disease, it offers some detailed info in a manner broken down into some easy to follow questions.
General tips for how to more easily communicate with your professors. These steps can be modified to fit your own college rules but the basics apply.
Seeking the assistance and involvement of Vocational Rehabilitation (Voc Rehab) from the Mississippi Department of Rehabilitation may help a student with disabilities qualify for their educational supports – from financial to assistive technology.