The Holiday Open House at DRMS’s Gulfport location on Tuesday December 6th was a great success. Visitors from other non-profits within the Knight Center, where DRMS’s office is located, along with new and old friends from other disability […]
Reported in the Clarion Ledger: Probe finds Jackson schools violated federal disability laws By Kathleen Baydala • • December 1, 2010 Jackson Public Schools has a month to improve its special education services following a state investigation this fall […]
The National Disabilities Rights Network hosted it’s national conference for Protection and Advocacy Systems in June of 2010 in Los Angeles CA. This year, during a special plenary focused on work targeting abuse and neglect issues, DRMS received […]
In preparation for the 2008 Holiday season, DRMS staff were throwing around ideas for the usual festivities and events, and as discussions and plans were made, there was a real sense of longing among staff to make more […]